Diamond Times -Jobs-



Lv.1 My First Job

When I was sixteen years old, I started  my first job. The job was at a supermarket in  America. I was a “bagger,” so I always helped  the customers. Baggers put the customers’  groceries ( 食 料 品 ・ 日 用 品 ) into bags.  Sometimes I helped elderly customers carry  their bags or push their shopping cart. Then I  put all the bags into their car. I was very  happy to help them. They were also happy to get help.  I was the youngest worker, so I needed to do many things. I needed to clean the restrooms and the floors. Also, I needed to collect the  shopping carts from the parking lot (駐車場). I didn’t make much money. But, I  learned how to work hard and help people.  I think it was a great first job. 

Lv.2 Graphic Design

I went to college to study Graphic Design in  California. After graduation I worked for an  Advertisement/Design company. I like to design logos very  much. It is my favorite kind of design work. 

Do you have a favorite logo? As a designer I work  with many different clients. Some clients are very detailed  (詳しい) about what they want. Some clients have no idea  what they want. My favorite logo I designed is for a

restau- rant called La Justina. It is in Tijuana,  Mexico. A logo is important to have for  a brand. It is a professional and great  way to show what you do. Another favorite logo I designed is my own logo! My logo (see above) is a mix of my initials (イニシャ ル・頭文字), M and Y. Can you see them?  

I was also a personal trainer (個人トレーナー). I  taught a mixed exercise class to mothers with busy  schedules. They always enjoyed my class! I hope to do it  again. All my jobs were to help other people, especially the  job I have now. I enjoy helping and teaching people.  

Lv.3 That’s a Job?!

When you think about the concept of the word, “job,” what do you imagine? Do you assume it would require  unrelenting (厳しい) stress or throbbing (ずきずき痛む)  muscle pain? Or could it simply be anything that pays? I  found three Google-able jobs that may just flip your entire  (全ての) reality upside-down!

  1. Feasting (大食い) YouTuber – Yes, a new type of career has officially emerged (at least in Korea) where you can switch on your webcam, eat your favorite meal (in front of a lonely, anonymous (匿名の) Internet audience), and even get enough money to pay all your bills. Just Google “Park Seo-yeon” to see one in action!
  2. Mansion Sitter – And by “mansion,” we are talking about a Michael Jackson-sized mansion, not the Japanese definition. So, instead of blowing your precious savings (貯金・貯蓄) on that dream home, why not make some big money off of someone else’s? Mansion sitters (管理人) may not make the highest income in the world but they still can live like kings and queens…or at least live inside their castles, anyway.
  1. Video Game Coach – Having trouble beating Chun-Li in the latest Street Fighter on your PS4? We feel your pain but no worries -there’s a new kind of juku tutor in town that can solve all your biggest life problems! …with a price tag, of course. Gamer coaches report online to make between $35,000 and $120,000 (about 4 million to 13 million Japanese yen) per year.

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