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English Lounge×アースフレンズ東京Zコラボ、大好評でした!


先日2/22(火)にDLSダイアモンドランゲージスクールの予約制レッスンEnglish Loungeにアースフレンズ東京Zの外国人選手がやって来てくれました。

English Loungeでの一コマ









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このプレゼンテーション・プログラムはDLSダイアモンドランゲージスクールの重要なカリキュラムの一部で、従来毎年恒例のビッグイベントです!Let’s enjoy!










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  • 2月1~3週
  • 3月1週目
  • 3/12(土)Presentation Day(本番)








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Diamond Times -The Teenage Years-


さて、本日はダイアモンドタイムズの過去記事からThe Teenage Yearsのレベル別記事をご紹介いたします。

Lv.1 Summer Jobs

In the United States, schools have long summer vacations. Students have 2.5 months of vacation. So, many students get a summer job. I started working when I was 14 years old. I had a summer job every year. I had many different jobs. I worked an  amusement park (遊園 地), a pizzeria (ピザ屋),  and a home  improvement store (ホームセンター). I also worked as a waiter, a tennis instructor, and a camp counselor (キャンプ生活の指導員).  

My parents stopped giving me money when I  was a teenager. I had to use my own money. So,  having a job was important. I wanted to buy a car. I  bought one when I was 17. I was very proud of it.

Lv.2 Teenage Freedom

People often say that their teenage years were  difficult. They were worried about getting into a good  university, having a boyfriend or girlfriend, or  finding pimples (にきび) on their face. The teenage years are  a time of uncertainty (不確実・不透明な時期) for everyone.  However, when people become older, they often wish to be  young again. Personally, I think this is because teenagers  have freedom. 

When you’re a teenager, you have very few responsibilities ( 責 任 ).  You don’t have to pay rent, work 8 hours a day, or worry about taxes (税金). You can focus on yourself. Although school can be busy, everything you do is for your personal growth (個人的成長).

But the best thing is that you can do anything you want. You can study to become a scientist, train (鍛える) to become a professional athlete, or master (習得する) a foreign language. When you get older, these things become harder to do. You have the freedom to do anything you want, so don’t waste it!

Lv.3 My Otaku Teenage Years

When I was a teenager, my taste in hobbies was very different compared to most girls. While most girls were hooked on (~に夢中になっていた) fashion and 90’s pop, I got hooked on Japanese anime and reading manga. It all began when I started watching Sailor Moon. What made Sailor Moon so unique was that the main hero was a young girl who was fighting evil, instead of the usual story of men rescuing women.

My love for Japanese anime didn’t just stop there. Soon, my friends and I started buying art supplies (画材) because we wanted to draw our favorite characters. After school, we would go  shopping to buy the latest (最新の) anime DVDs and manga. Later on, we would order a  big sushi tray and some Japanese sweets to enjoy during our anime marathon (長時間ア ニメ鑑賞・マラソン)

 Another fond teenage memory (10 代の懐かしい思い出) was being able to attend  anime conventions (集会・大会) with my friends. I got more information about my favorite anime, and discovered J-pop singers such as Gackt and Ayumi Hamasaki. I also often cosplayed anime characters by making my own costumes.

Although I’m no longer (もはや~ではない) a teenager, my heart is still that of an otaku.

DLSダイアモンドランゲージスクールではリーディングに役立つDiamond Timesも毎月発行しております。







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Diamond Times -Jobs-



Lv.1 My First Job

When I was sixteen years old, I started  my first job. The job was at a supermarket in  America. I was a “bagger,” so I always helped  the customers. Baggers put the customers’  groceries ( 食 料 品 ・ 日 用 品 ) into bags.  Sometimes I helped elderly customers carry  their bags or push their shopping cart. Then I  put all the bags into their car. I was very  happy to help them. They were also happy to get help.  I was the youngest worker, so I needed to do many things. I needed to clean the restrooms and the floors. Also, I needed to collect the  shopping carts from the parking lot (駐車場). I didn’t make much money. But, I  learned how to work hard and help people.  I think it was a great first job. 

Lv.2 Graphic Design

I went to college to study Graphic Design in  California. After graduation I worked for an  Advertisement/Design company. I like to design logos very  much. It is my favorite kind of design work. 

Do you have a favorite logo? As a designer I work  with many different clients. Some clients are very detailed  (詳しい) about what they want. Some clients have no idea  what they want. My favorite logo I designed is for a

restau- rant called La Justina. It is in Tijuana,  Mexico. A logo is important to have for  a brand. It is a professional and great  way to show what you do. Another favorite logo I designed is my own logo! My logo (see above) is a mix of my initials (イニシャ ル・頭文字), M and Y. Can you see them?  

I was also a personal trainer (個人トレーナー). I  taught a mixed exercise class to mothers with busy  schedules. They always enjoyed my class! I hope to do it  again. All my jobs were to help other people, especially the  job I have now. I enjoy helping and teaching people.  

Lv.3 That’s a Job?!

When you think about the concept of the word, “job,” what do you imagine? Do you assume it would require  unrelenting (厳しい) stress or throbbing (ずきずき痛む)  muscle pain? Or could it simply be anything that pays? I  found three Google-able jobs that may just flip your entire  (全ての) reality upside-down!

  1. Feasting (大食い) YouTuber – Yes, a new type of career has officially emerged (at least in Korea) where you can switch on your webcam, eat your favorite meal (in front of a lonely, anonymous (匿名の) Internet audience), and even get enough money to pay all your bills. Just Google “Park Seo-yeon” to see one in action!
  2. Mansion Sitter – And by “mansion,” we are talking about a Michael Jackson-sized mansion, not the Japanese definition. So, instead of blowing your precious savings (貯金・貯蓄) on that dream home, why not make some big money off of someone else’s? Mansion sitters (管理人) may not make the highest income in the world but they still can live like kings and queens…or at least live inside their castles, anyway.
  1. Video Game Coach – Having trouble beating Chun-Li in the latest Street Fighter on your PS4? We feel your pain but no worries -there’s a new kind of juku tutor in town that can solve all your biggest life problems! …with a price tag, of course. Gamer coaches report online to make between $35,000 and $120,000 (about 4 million to 13 million Japanese yen) per year.

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Diamond Times -2021 Year in Review-


段々と年の瀬に近づいてまいりましたね。本日は最新のDiamond Timesより2021 Year in Reviewというテーマでお届けします。

Lv.1 Vaccines

Pepple select a Chinese character, or epple select a Chinese character, okanji, every year in Japan. This kanji explains the year. Last year the kanji was “mitus”, or “crowded” in English. Dictionary(辞書) companies in English countries choose the “word of the year”. One popular dictionary picked the word “pandemic”(世界的な流行病) in 2020.

 What word do you think is best for 2021? Maybe some people will choose “coronavirus” or “COVID-19” or “endless”(終わりのない). I think “vaccine”(ワクチン) is a good choice. More and more people are getting the vaccine in Japan. The number of people with COVID-19 is going down. It is great news. So, I think I will choose the word “hope”. Because next year, we will go out and not use a mask.

Lv.2 Naomi Osaka

Tennis star Naomi Osaka had very eventful 2021

She started by winning the Australian Open, her fourth Grand Slam title. Then in summer, she became the torch lighter at the Summer Olympics. Osaka was a controversial(物議を醸す) choice for this prestious(権威のある) position, partly due to her mixed-race background.

However, 2021 was also notable for Osaka because of her mental health struggles(戦い). At the French Open, Osaka announced that she wouldn’t participate in mandatory press conferences due to anxiety(不安). She skipped the next handful of tournaments due to her ongoing mental health struggles. In fall, she announced that she’d be taking an indefinite(不確定な) break from tennis.

I admire Osaka for being open(打ち明ける) about her problems. Mental health is still taboo(タブー) topic for many people, particularly in Japan. So I think she was very brave to talk about her straggles publicly. I hope her bravery helps society to become more understanding and accepting about mental health issues.

Lv.3 Elon Musk

In January 2021, tech entrepreneur Elon Musk became the richest person in the world when his net worth passed(純資産) $185 billion. Then in October 2021, he became the first person to be worth more than $300 billion. This incredible leap in wealth(富) is largely due to his stock ownership in Tesla, the electric car company he co-founded in 2002. But this is hardly the most impressive thing he’s accomplished.

Also in 2002, Musk started SpaceX, an interstellar travel company that aims to create a human colony on Mars. 2021 was a milestone(節目の) year for SpaceX as they successfully completed their first manned mission to the International Space Station. Two additional manned missions were launched in May and November of the same year. In Japan, Musk’s futuristic company made headlines when he announced plans to send Yusaku Maezawa on a trip around the moon.

Elon Musk, often referred to as the real-life Iron Man, is an inspiring figure(姿) to many. News of his accomplishments has been a beacon of hope(希望の光) in a year dominated by headlines about wars and pandemics. And this was just in one year. There’s no telling(何とも言えない) what’s in store(起ころうとしている) for the next!

DLSダイアモンドランゲージスクールではリーディングに役立つDiamond Timesも毎月発行しております。






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Diamond Times -Sports-




Lv.1 Soccer is Wonderful

Soccer is a wonderful sport. I played soccer all the time when I was a kid. I met a many people by playing soccer. I learned to work together with differnt people.

Soccer is most international sport in the world. In any country, you can see people playing soccer. Soccer helps us connect with people. If two people connot speak the same language, they can still (それでもまだ) watch or play soccer together. Soccer is a universal(世界共通の) language.

I am very greatful() for soccer because it connects to me to many people and cultures.

Lv.2 Sports Rivalries

One of biggerst things fans love while watching a sport, whether it’s baseball or American football, is having a team rival. This typicelly emerges when competitors face off(対決する) repeatedly, and they’re about evenly matched(互角). In Japanese baseball in Hanshin Tigers are rivels of Yomiuri Giants, while in American fotball the Philadelphia Eagles have a long rivalry against the Dallas Cowboys. Their rivalry is so strong that it often causes chaos on the field and in the stands. To many, a rivalry ismore than just a competition (競争): it can also add joy to the game.

Cheering against (~が負けるよう願う) your rival can be all in good fun but it does have its dark side. In September 2013, fans of the baseball rivals L.A. Dodgers and San Francisco Giants attacked each other, which led to a death. This, of course, was condemned (非難された) by both the teams.

Many professional sports encourage team spirit(団結心) but safety and respect for others is their top priority.

Lv.3 Japanese vs. American Baseball

I’ve been a follower of Japanese baseball since I arrived here nine years ago, and I’ve learned how the American(MLB) and Japanese (NPB) versions of the sport differ. Some differences are simple. For instance, Japanese games can end in a tie (引き分け), whereas MLB games go until one team wins, sometimes late into the night.

Other differences are more subtle. MLB teams utilize (利用する) advanced analytics (分析) and fearlessly
eliminate “old” styles that have become ineffective. However, Japanese teams embrace (進んで活用する) traditional
philosophies and methods. For instance, an MLB team would never have their #2 hitter bunt with a runner on first and no outs, while NPB teams do this regularly. It drives me crazy (気が狂いそうになる) when I see it happen! Also, MLB teams often employ dramatic defensive alignments to match the hitting tendencies (傾向) of a particular batter, while NPB alignments are far more conservative.

One aspect of NPB baseball that I really like is the creativity of pitchers. The Japanese leagues have only six teams in them (vs. 15 teams in the North American leagues), meaning that each pitcher will face each batter far more often. Therefore, pitchers in Japan have increased pressure to remain unpredictable in their tendencies, and display more creativity overall. That adds an interesting element for fans who closely follow all season long.

I love both versions of baseball, and feel privileged to experience them both.






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Diamond Times-Back to School-

Lv.1 School Clubs

In Japanese schools, clubs are very important. Usually, students join only one club. They spend a lot of time with their club.
It’s very different in the United States. School clubs are more casual. Usually, clubs meet one time a week, for one or two hours. Clubs meet after school, and almost never on Saturdays or Sundays. It’s a short time, so students can join a lot of different clubs.
In high school I was a member of the Ski Club, Spanish Club, Creative Writing Club, Volunteer Work Club, Jazz Band, Photography Club, and Acting Club. I enjoyed learning about so many different things. Also, I liked meeting many different people in each club.

Lv.2 Schools in the U.K.

British schools are very different from Japanese schools in some points. First of all, in the British education system, there are no elementary schools, junior high schools, or high schools. Instead, there are primary schools and secondary school. Students go to school at the age of 5 and they finish primary school at 11 years old, and then go on to secondary school, where they continue until they are 16 or 18 years old. Secondly, there is a week off in the middle of the term, which is called “Reading Week.” This time off is designed for students to read books or prepare for and be familiar with the upcoming school work. Finally, at the end of the year, there is a big party called a “Ball,” where students sometimes wear formal clothes. At my university, we had a huge tent outside in the campus with mirror balls and DJs, so it was like a night club atmosphere! Maybe one day DLS will have a Ball, so I recommend you to take up dance lessons!!!

Lv.3U.S. & Japanese Schools

Around the world, subjects taught in most schools are universal. However, there are many differences between American schools and Japanese schools that go beyond the subjects.

Japanese schools are known (知られている) for their uniforms. But in 2015, it was estimated that only 23% of schools in America require their students to wear a uniform. And even then, they are not as strict as Japanese schools. For example, there is no specific backpack or suit requested. Normally, a polo shirt (ポロシャツ) and khaki pants are the strictest requirements for public schools.

Also, Japanese schools place an emphasis on learning basic lifestyle skills and home economics, such as sewing and cooking. But in most American schools, there is no requirement for such classes. I believe American students struggle (苦労する) later in life with these basic skills. However, many American schools offer courses in automaintenance, which can be helpful and cost-saving in the long run(長期的には).

Another difference is the preparation for university entrance exams. There are after-school programs in America to prepare for the tests, but you don’t find the daily cram schools that Japanese students attend. Many American students will prepare once a week or at home. Schools in Japan and America place an emphasis on education yet they’re quite different in methods and attire ( 服 装 )! Do these differences produce more advanced students? What do you think?







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Diamond Times-Families-


今回は過去のDiamond Timesより”Family”のテーマで記事をお送りいたします。

Lv.1 My Family

I’d like to introduce my family. There are five people in my family. I have a mother, a father, an older brother, and an older sister. They all live near my hometown. Both of my siblings (兄弟姉妹) are married. My sister has two sons. My nephews (甥) are 11 and 9 years old. They are noisy and crazy.

I don’t have many relatives (親戚). I have two sets of aunts and uncles. One set lives near my hometown.
They have two children, my cousins.

The other set lives far away, in Georgia. They also have two children.I don’t know them well. I’ve met them only a few
times, at weddings and funerals (葬儀).
By American standards (アメリカの基準では), my family is small. But, we are close (親しい).

Lv.2 My Mother, the Reader


My mother has always been quiet. She worked a lot and said very little to me. I didn’t know many things about her as a child (子供の頃). We usually sat silently together on weekends. Once a week, she took home two books – one for me, and one for her. I looked forward to these. When she had some free time, she would sit on the couch and read. She never asked me to read with her. But every time she sat in the couch with her book, I every time she sat in the couch
with her book, I would sit across from her with mine. We did this for at least an hour. This is how we spent time together. Now, once a week, I buy my mother a book on her Kindle. We don’t read together anymore, but we talk about our recent reads ((読了した)書籍) every Sunday morning. This always makes both of us very happy.

Lv.3 Single Mothers

Whether due to divorce, loss of a spouse, or by choice, being a single mother can be difficult in any country. Not only do they have to deal with the social stigma (不名誉), they must also work harder to provide for their family than a traditional two-parent household (家庭). And that’s what I’d like to talk about today: the financial struggles of Japan’s single mothers.

According to a 2014 OECD survey, Japanese single mothers had a relative poverty rate (貧困率) of 50.8%, which
is the highest rate for single-parent households in the developed world. There are many reasons for this shocking statistic, but one of the most important is the wage (賃金) system. In Japan, it is common for part-time employees to get paid less per hour than full-time employees, even if they do the same work. This is because employers believe full-time employees add more value to the company. However, this way of thinking is not common in other developed countries (先進国), where all employees with the same job get paid the the same hourly wages.

Fortunately, the Japanese government is working to address (対処する) this problem. In fact, on April 1st, 2020, they introduced a new law that requires equal hourly wages for employees doing the same work. This is a major step towards helping single mothers, who often can’t work full-time, become financially independent.






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Diamond Times -Junk Food-


本日は過去のDiamond Timesからレベル別にJunk Foodのテーマについてご紹介いたします。

Lv.1 Soda

  When I lived in America, I drank a lot of soda(炭酸飲料). Soda has a lot of sugar in it. But many Americans drink it everyday. Family often have cans of soda in their refrigerators(冷蔵庫). Children sometimes drink it with their school lunch,too. But the worst thing is fast food restaurants.

Fast food restaurants sell small, medium, and large cups for soda. The most popular size is large. It holds about 900 milliliters of soda. Also, there are free refiles(おかわり)! So my friends often drink two cups in one meal(食事). That’s almost 2 liters of soda! This is very unhealthy(不健康). In the future, I think Americans should drinke less soda.

Lv.2 Potato Chips

No one can beat(勝つ) it!

I think many people can agree with the aidea that we human beings feel like eating junk food from time to time, even though we know it’s not good for our health. As you see on TV advertisements, tasty things are made of fat and sugar, and junk food ise exactly like that. So, not only because of the taste, but biologically(生物学的に) and genetically(遺伝子的に) we enjoy it!

Now I have a great excuse to admit() that I like to eat junk food, I will share my favorite junk food with you: potato chips. I think nation’s favorite is lightly-salted(うすしお味), but I also like “Chese and Onion” by walkers, and “Sour Cream” by Pringles, but my lifetime favorite is ““Consommé Punch” by Calbee. It’s by far(断然) the best! Nothing can beat it!


Lv.3 The Impact of Junk Food on Children

As a child, Friday night is my favorite time of the week. That night, we got oily take out for dinner and ice cream for dessert. This was also my mother went shoppoing. I’d always look forward ti seeing all the sugary goodies(甘いもの) she got me and my siblings. When I was a younger, I didn’t think about consequences of having too much junk food. As an adult however, I’m very careful about how much of it I have. I also warry about how much junk food my nices and nephews have.

Having too much junk food can very addictive for children and can lead to some serious issues. Among these are obesity(肥満), chronic illness, low self-esteem(自己肯定感),depression, and it also affects how they peform in school. Since children aren’t aware of the negative impact junk food has on the mind and body, it’s up to their parents and guardians() to make sure they it have it moderation(適度に).

  Children will want to eat healthier if people around them do the same. They won’t see the need to eat healthier if they see their parents or guardians eating unhealty snacks every day Finally, one of reasons we all enjoy having all that junk food is because it looks, tastes and smells amazing, so making healthy food just as appealing might encourage children to eat it more.


いかがでしたでしょうか? リーディングに是非お役立てください。




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